Raif Badawi’s Ordeal

* * * * Raif Badawi is 33 today. Vigils marking the date were held on his behalf today in many nations outside Saudi Arabia’s embassies. There is no new news to report regarding the young writer’s condition. The absence of news is a heavy, ever-present reminder that Raif Badawi is always in imminent danger […]

Happy Birthday Raif !

33 year’s old : 1694 days - 15 hours - 31 min - 50 sec. in prison Raif didn’t see his children since 5 years. Today is Raïf’s birthday. It should be a day filled with joy. But sadly, there is still as much disbelief and confusion about the fate of this man who has been suffering in jail for the past 4 years, far from his […]

Happy New Year 2017 !

TO RAIF’S SUPPORTERS : THANK YOU! Ensaf Haidar - I am writing this letter today to express how thankful we are my family and I for your continuous support to Raif’s cause. Unfortunately, Raif is not the only journalist in the world facing a punishment and Saudi Arabia is not the only country in the world where […]